This article is created for you as a supplier in Event Logic:
Below are step-by-step instructions for how you as a supplier respond to an offer request, if preferred there is an instructional video at the end of the article.
Answer a request
Step 1: Open the offer request
When you as a supplier receive a request, an email is sent to the e-mail that you as a supplier specified. To open the offer request, click Open now at the bottom of the email. If you have problems opening the offer request, try copying the link and pasting it into another browser instead.
Step 2: Review the offer request
When you press open in the email, you will be directed to the page for the event where you will see overall information and the specification. At the top of the page you can see the number of participants, and which date the event is created for. If you are unable to accept the offer request, you can decline the offer request.
Step 3: Fill in the prices
You fill in the prices according to the specification. In the marked speech bubbles there is more information (comments from the customer, e.g. preferred seating, food preference). If you instead want to leave a package price for the entire offer request, you can set zero to all lines and then write the total amount on a single line. When you have filled in the specification, double check that the total amount is correct.
On rows for lunch, dinner, activities and some more you have the option to leave multiple options. You're also able to change the amount, time and date on these ones so that they correspond to what you want to offer. Note that with options, only the option/options that have their check box ticked will be calculated into the price. The user will have the option to chose between the different options when booking the offer.
Step 4: Fill in the booking conditions and validity period
For booking conditions, you can copy in your own booking conditions at View / edit terms (if nothing else is entered, standard conditions based on Visita's general conditions apply). Then fill in how many days the quote is valid and the last day the customer can cancel free of charge. The customer will then receive a reminder a few days before the offer validity runs out so they do not forget to answer the request.
Step 5: Fill in the responsible person for the offer
Select the responsible person for the offer, from your team. All further communication regarding the current event will go to the specified email address. You can also enter an internal reference, such as an internal booking ID (only for internal purposes).
Step 6: Send the offer
The last step is to approve the commission, and then click on Send offer. After you send the quote, you can contact the customer directly by sending them a message. You do this by pressing the gray Messages tab that appears next to the specification on the right.
Decline the offer request
If you don't have the possibility to send an offer, select Decline request instead. A text box will then appear where you can explain to the customer why you cannot receive them. For example, if you cannot accept the booking because you are fully booked, you can enter some alternative dates on where you are able to accommodate the customer's request. Then press Confirm.
Instructional video how you as a supplier handle requests from customers
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