You will find the registration form under Participants in your navigation menu. Then press Invitation, and Application form.
An application form attached to your invitation can be completely invaluable to you as an organizer. Here you let the participants themselves fill in their information for the event, which you can choose to automatically share with the supplier you booked with.
How to build a registration form:
Even before you start building yourself, there are pre-selected sample questions that you may want to ask your participants. To delete one of the questions, you can easily do so by clicking the cross above a question.
The only question in the completed questions that is mandatory is the e-mail address. The email address is mandatory because this is how the participants are identified and distinguished from each other. If you have more participants who have the same email address, you can read more about how to make an open invitation link where more participants can register with a common link.
If you want to make more questions mandatory to answer, check the box under the question on the left.
You can also change the place of your questions by clicking on the gray column to the left of the question and dragging it to the right place in the order:
To make it easy for you, there is a list of questions you can choose from. You can also choose to build your own questions or create follow-up questions with condition control.
If you want to see what your application form looks like, you can send it to yourself. See more information under preview your invitation.
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