If you get an error message when you try to upload your list of participants from Excel, there is probably something wrong with the list you tried to upload. In the first instance, make sure that you use a new Excel template directly downloaded from Event Logic, as it may be that your list is saved in the wrong version of Excel. If you still get an error message, investigate one of the following three solutions:
1. An error might be that the list has formatting that remains from the previous list. To prevent this from happening, do the following when pasting the list in the Excel template from Event Logic:
- Right-click in the cell at the top
- Paste in special.
- Paste values and press OK.
2. If an email address is incorrect, an error message will appear. The most common errors are:
- Search for å / ä / ö and special characters in the email list.
- There is a space behind an e-mail address.
3. Search for duplicate email addresses in your list. Excel has a built-in feature for this, so you do not have to go through the entire list manually. Do this by:
- Select the entire list.
- Touch Data in the toolbar> Delete Duplicates.
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