When you have received several quotes, you can easily compare them against each other, both per part of the quotation, the total amount, and the price per participant. All information is compiled under the tab Budget in the event's navigation menu.
This information can be shared with different persons, by pressing Event Summary (green button at the top right). You will then get a new tab, where you will see all the information about the event that will be shared. If there is something wrong in the information, for example, the schedule view, press Edit Event before sharing the decision basis. If you are satisfied with the event and want to share it, press Share (see image below).
In the box that appears, you first select the language in which the decision basis is to be shared. You can choose between Swedish (standard), English, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish. You then add the email addresses you want to share the decision document with. If you want to add several people, press Add New, and fill in the email addresses one at a time.
Here you can make a person a Decision Maker by pressing the green crown-icon (see image below). The person marked as a Decision Maker has the option to share their decision with you as the event creator. You will then receive an email and the selection will appear under Budget and Shared by decision makers
You then have the option to leave a message which is included in the email. You can also alternatively create a public link that you can share with multiple people at once, instead of adding all the email addresses. Everyone who has access to the link reaches the page with the budget basis. When you're done, press Send (See image above).
In addition to comparing the quotes in each content, you can also compare different combinations of quotes from different content by clicking on the suppliers for which you want to see the price. You can for example see what the cost per person will be for a specific hotel with different variants of bus providers.
There is another option for viewing or sharing budget documents and that is to extract a table with a summary of the quotation by selecting Export as PDF. You will then get all the information in a PDF document, that you can download and send to others. You do this by pressing the PDF-icon above the budget (see image below).
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