When you log in to Event Logic, you get directed to your home page where you see your events in a list at the bottom right. If you don't know how to get to your home page, press here.
Here you can sort all of your events. All of your active events that have not taken place yet, will be listed under the Upcoming tab. After an event has taken place, it will be listed under Completed and once the final prices have been set, and you have accepted the final prices, the event will be marked as Closed.
If you have created a lot of events and want to find a specific event, you can always search for the event. You can do this with either the name of the event, or with the event id. If you don't know any of these, but know when the event took place, you can always search by date. This can be done by entering a specific date under "From:" and another specific date under "To:". If the duration of the event only was one day, it is fine to enter the same date in the two boxes.
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